The Web Site for Critical Realism WSCR Bibliography

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Bhaskar, R. (1978, March). On the possibility of social scientific knowledge and the limits of naturalism. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 8(1), 1-28.

"Reprinted in Issues in Marxist Philosophy, Volume 3: Epistemology, Science, Ideology, ed. John Mepham and David-Hillel Ruben (Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press, Inc., 1979), 107-139." --C.B.

Bhaskar, R. (1978). A realist theory of science. Sussex: Harvester Press; Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press.

Partial Text of Book as posted to the Bhaskar list.

Bhaskar, R. (1983). Beef, structure and place: Notes from a critical naturalist perspective. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 13(1), 82-95.

Bhaskar, R. (1989). The possibility of naturalism: A philosophical critique of the contemporary human sciences. 2nd edition. New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf.

Bhaskar, R. (1989). Reclaiming reality: A critical introduction to contemporary philosophy. London: Verso.

"The essays collected in this volume all seek to underlabour--at different levels and in different ways--for the sciences, and especially the human sciences, in so far as they might illuminate and empower the project of human self-emancipation. They attempt, that is to say, for the explanatory-emancipatory sciences today, the kind of 'clearing' of the ideological ground, which Locke set out to achieve for the prodigious infant of seventeenth-century mechanics. Such sciences, which only partially and incompletely exist, will not only interpret but help to change the world. But they will do so rationally only on the condition that they interpret the world aright.

"These essays seek only to reclaim reality for itself. To reclaim it from philosophical ideologies--such as empiricism or idealism--which have tacitly or explicitly defined it in terms of some specific human attribute, such as sense-experience, intuition or axiomatic ratiocination, for some or other restricted--individual or group--interest.

"The perpective which allows us to reclaim reality for itself I call 'critical realism'." --Bhaskar, Preface vii.

Bhaskar, R. (1990). Social theory and moral philosophy. [Association Paper.] International Sociological Association (ISA).

Bhaskar, R. (1991). Philosophy and the Idea of Freedom. Oxford: Blackwell.

Bhaskar, R. (1992, January). [Review of Ideology: An introduction, by T. Eagleton]. Philosophical Books, 33(1), 22-25.

Bhaskar, R. (1993). Afterword. In J. Shotter (Ed.), Conversational realities: Constructing life through language (pp. 185-187). London: SAGE Publications

Bhaskar, R. (1993). Dialectic: The pulse of freedom. London: Verso.

Bhaskar, R. (1994). Plato etc.: The problems of philosophy and their resolution. London: Verso.

"In his most accessible book to date, Roy Bhaskar sets out to diagnose, explain and resolve the 'problems of philosophy'. Plato Etc. reviews all the main areas of the subject: the theory of knowledge and the philosophy of science; the philosophy of logic and language; the philosophies of space, time and causality; the philosophy of the social and life sciences and of dialectic; ethics, politics and aesthetics; and the history and sociology of philosophy." --Verso (back cover)

Bhaskar, R. (1997). On the ontological status of ideas. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 27(2/3), 139-147.

Bhaskar, R. (2000). From east to west: Odyssey of a soul. London: Routledge.

Bhaskar, R. (2000, April). Introducing transcendental dialectical critical realism. Alethia, 3(1), 15-21.

Bhaskar, R. (2002). Meta-reality: The philosophy of meta-reality, volume 1: Creativity, love and freedom. London: SAGE Publications

"This new, long awaited study, is the first and defining volume in which Roy Bhaskar, originator of the increasingly influential, interdisciplinary and international philosophy of critical realism, systematically presents and expounds the principles of his new philosophy of meta-Reality, a philosophy which is already the subject of worldwide attention and debate.

"Building on a radically new analysis of the self, human agency and society, Roy Bhaskar shows how the world of alienation and crisis we currently inhabit is sustained by the ground-state qualities of intelligence, creativity, love, a capacity for right-action and a potential for human self-realisation or fulfilment. He then demonstrates how transcendence and non-duality are necessary and ubiquitous features of all social interaction and human agency; and how these and connected features of human being and activity sustain the totality of the structures of the world of duality and oppression in which we live. Moreover, meta-Reality argues that any objective an agent chooses in life will ultimately set him or her on a process or dialectic to self-realisation, entailing a commitment to universal self-realisation; and it shows how these goals or ideals are explicit or implicit in all emancipatory projects, of whatever political, social or religious declension. Furthermore they all imply the same principles of clarity and commitment to social transformation (on all the planes of social being), which Roy Bhaskar articulates here. In a very real sense he demonstrates how these principles, for the first time clearly elaborated here in meta-Reality, are indeed the culmination of all traditions of thought and practice oriented to human well-being, emancipation or flourishing." --Publisher

Bhaskar, R. (2002, May). The philosophy of meta-reality. Part i: Identity, spirituality, system. [Interview with Mervyn Hartwig, editor of Journal of Critical Realism]. Journal of Critical Realism (incorporating Alethia), 5(1), 21-34. Print.

"A discussion of Bhaskar's book, Reflections on Meta-Reality, in which the author claims to articulate a new spiritual philosophy that transcends critical realism, while preserving its insights." --C.B.

Bhaskar, R. (2002, November). The philosophy of meta-reality, part ii: Agency, perfectibility, novelty. [Interview with Mervyn Hartwig, editor of Journal of Critical Realism]. Journal of Critical Realism, 1(1), 67-93. Print.

Bhaskar, R. (2002). Reflections on meta-reality: Transcendence, emancipation and everyday life. London: SAGE Publications

"In a brilliant series of studies, based on talks given in India, Europe and America, Roy Bhaskar presents, for the first time in published form, his new philosophy of Meta-Reality." --Publisher

"RMR both systematises and develops what was initiated in FEW. Its basis line of argument is that a non-dual world or ultimate zone of being underpins and is co-present in an occluded way in the dual world of alienation and contradiction in which we live, as a condition of its possibility, and that this requires a new philosophy of identity for its exposition. Realism about this world, about transcendence, thus entails the self-transcendence of critical realism itself, which is a philosophy of non-identity or duality. Bhaskar calls this non-dual world the cosmic envelope (in which the deepest natures or ground-states of all beings sit and are connected), describing it also as Bohm's implicate order of pure enfolded being, of pure potentiality, of 'Platonic anamnesis', invoking 'a level of consciousness beyond thought itself'. Other key figures, elaborated from FEW, are generalised co-presence or synchronicity and the inwardness of being (everything is implicated or enfolded within everything else); and transcendental identification in consciousness between entities and beings within the explicated or become dual world we inhabit." --Mervyn Hartwig, introduction, "The Philosophy of Meta-Reality. Part I: Identity, Spirituality, System," interview with Roy Bhaskar, Journal of Critical Realism 5.1 (May 2002): 21-34.

Introduction \ Preface \ Critical Realism: Beyond Modernism and Postmodernism \ Who am I? \ Social Science and Self-realisation: Non-duality and Co-presence \ Meta-Reality: In and Beyond Critical Realism

Bhaskar, R. (2002). From science to emancipation: Alienation and the actuality of enlightenment. London: SAGE Publications

"This unique collection of studies, based for the most part on transcripts of talks in India, Europe and America over the last five years, covers the period in which Roy Bhaskar was developing his new philosophy of meta-Reality.

"Because of the spontaneous and informal nature of these talks and discussions, this book provides probably the most immediately accessible introduction to the development of the latest phase of his thought. From Science to Emancipation will surely provide an indispensable resource for all students of philosophy and human sciences.

"The first part consists in a systematic account of the development of critical realism from its origins through to the philosophy of meta-reality. The second part of the book contains discussions of the relationships between critical realism and Marxism, discourse theory (containing a debate with Ernesto Laclau), ethno-methodology (containing a debate with Rom Harre), ethics and finally, religion.

"The third part of the book describes the route from the most radical form of critical realism to Roy Bhaskar's new philosophy of meta-reality, in which critical realism is seen as, in virtue of its commitments to non-identity, being at vest the best description of the relative world of duality.

"That world, however, he now maintains, is underpinned and constituted by non-duality, which is theorized in his new philosophy. Part three includes discussions on post-modernism, Marxism and the global crisis; the relation between the left and the right brain; and an illuminating interview on the latest phase of Roy Bhaskar's philosophy. The concluding part of this book contains some recent explorations within this philosophy of meta-reality, including talks on unconditionality in love, the nature of education and the limits of thought." --Publisher

Manifesto \ Preface \ PART ONE: THE DEVELOPMENT OF CRITICAL REALISM \ From a Philosophy of Science to a Philosophy of Universal Self-realisation \ PART TWO: DEBATES WITHIN AND ABOUT CRITICAL REALISM \ Critical Realism and Marxism \ Critical Realism and Discourse Theory: Debate with Ernesto Laclau \ Critical Realism and Ethnomethodolgy: Debate with Rom Harre \ Critical Realism and Ethics: Introducing Transcendental Dialectical Critical Realism \ Interlude: Critical Realism, Transcendence and God \ Critical Realism, Co-presence and Making a Difference: Part I: Reality Check Part II: Critical Realism and the Left \ PART THREE: EN ROUTE FROM TRANSCENDENTAL DIALECTICAL CRITICAL REALISM TO THE PHILOSOPHY OF mETA-REALITY \ Critical Realism, Postmodernism and the Global Crisis \ Left Versus Right Brain, Creativity and Emancipation \ The Philosophy of meta-Reality: Identity, Spirituality, System \ PART FOUR: EXPLORATIONS WITHIN THE PHILOSOPHY OF mETA-REALITY \ Educating the Educators - Or, Empowering Teachers \ The Limits of Thought \ Unconditionality in Love

Bhaskar, R. (Ed.). (1990). Harre and his critics: Essays in honour of Rom Harre with his commentary on them. Oxford: Blackwell.

Bhaskar, R., & Edgley, R. (Eds.). (1991). A meeting of minds: Socialists discuss philosophy. London: Socialist Society.

Laclau, E., & Bhaskar, R. (1998, September). Discourse theory vs. critical realism. Alethia, 1(2), 9-14.


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The Web Site for Critical Realism WSCR Bibliography